PMP Free Practice Test

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5 questions will be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the PMP exam. Enjoy!

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1. A project manager completes a project management plan for a global project due in 12 months. When two team members leave the project, what should the project manager do?

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2. An external project manager is managing the construction of new corporate offices for a large company. The project management plan states that it is necessary to contract a highly trained external resource to revise and validate an important project component. The client has rejected hiring the external resource because of the high cost even though it is within the project budget. What should the project manager do to resolve this issue?

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3. A project team with members from many different countries is struggling to cooperate. The project manager accepted these difficulties during the storming phase of team development, but the team has not moved to the next phase. The project is beginning to fall behind schedule.
What can the project manager do to move the team to the norming phase?

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4. A project manager receives a serious complaint from a functional manager about a team member. What should the project manager do?

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5. A project is behind schedule due to an incorrectly estimated task on the critical path. What should the project manager do?

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