5 questions will be shown from 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the CFA level 2 exam. Enjoy!
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1. The mark-to-market value for Drawbridge’s forward position is closest to:
1 Drawbridge sold AUD 5 million forward to the settlement date at an all-in forward price of 0.8940 (USD/AUD). 2 To mark the position to market, Drawbridge offsets the forward transaction by buying AUD 5 million three months forward to the settlement date. 3 For the offsetting forward contract, because the AUD is the base currency in the USD/AUD quote, buying AUD forward means paying the offer for both the spot rate and forward points. I. The all-in three-month forward rate is calculated as 0.9066 – 0.00364 = 0.90296 II. This gives a net cash flow on settlement day of 5,000,000 × (0.8940 – 0.90296) = –USD44,800 (This is a cash outflow because Drawbridge sold the AUD for- ward and the AUD appreciated against the USD). 4 To determine the mark-to-market value of the original forward position, calculate the present value of the USD cash outflow using the three-month USD discount rate: –USD44,8000/[1 + 0.0023(90/360)] = –USD44,774. The present value of the cash flow was not calculated (step 4 of calculation). The cash flow was calculated using the bid rate instead of the offer rate. 1 The all-in three-month forward rate = 0.9062 – 0.00368 = 0.90252 2 This gives a net cash flow on settlement day of 5,000,000 × (0.8940 – 0.90252) = – USD42,600, and the present value is calculated as –USD42,600/[1 + 0.0023(90/360)] = –USD42,576.
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2. With respect to LeCompte’s coverage of UniFlash, according to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, the least appropriate course of action for Topaz to take would be to:
. According to Standards I(B)–Independence and Objectivity and V(A)–Diligence and Reasonable Basis, members and candidates must exercise diligence, independence, objectivity, and thoroughness in analyzing investments, making investment recommen- dations, and taking investment actions. Changing a written recommendation to what a subject company desires is not acting diligently, independently, objectively, and/or thoroughly, and the analyst should immediately revise her recommendation to express her stated opinion of the company. Changing a written recommendation to what a subject company desires is not acting diligently, independently, objectively, and/or thoroughly.
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3. Using the backward induction method and the data in Exhibit 2, the value of the bond Hake has been asked to value is closest to:
. Find prices one period from the end. Value at Year 2: 0.5 × [(104/1.0450) + (104/1.0450)] + 4 = 103.522 0.5 × [(104/1.0325) + (104/1.0325)] + 4 = 104.726 0.5 × [(104/1.0235) + (104/1.0235)] + 4 = 105.612 Find prices two periods from the end. Time 1 values are the average of Time 2 dis- counted plus the coupon payment. 0.5 × [(103.522/1.0360) + (104.726/1.0360)] + 4 = 104.506 0.5 × [(104.726/1.0260) + (105.612/1.0260)] + 4 = 106.504 Find prices at Time 0. There is no coupon paid in this node. 0.5 × [(104.506/1.029) + (106.504/1.029)] = 102.532 because the discount rate used is an average across time. because the calculation omits the 4 coupon in the last period.
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4. Are Marlin’s points regarding structural models of credit risk most likely correct?
. Both points that Marlin makes regarding structural models of credit risk are correct. because the first point is correct. because the second point is correct.
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5. In her response to Silverman regarding the characteristics of the three valuation approaches, Lin is least likely correct with respect to the:
. Although Lin is correct that the DCF method takes into account the cash flows that investors care about, she is not correct in stating that DCF takes into account the cyclical nature of the real estate market. . Lin is correct about the cost approach. . Lin is correct about the sales comparison approach.
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