5 questions would be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the cadet pilot interview. Enjoy!
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1. When air flows across a shockwave (as it does during transonic flight), velocity __________ and temperature __________.
As air flows across a shockwave, its velocity decreases, and its temperature increases. You can read more about it here: https://history.nasa.gov/SP-367/chapt5.htm#f87
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2. What is shock-induced separation?
Shock-induced separation is the tendency for the boundary layer to become turbulent aft of the shock wave. Read more about it here: https://history.nasa.gov/SP-367/chapt5.htm#f87
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3. A wing is typically designed to stall from ___ to ___, resulting in more effective aileron control during the stall.
Typically, a wing is designed to stall from root to tip, resulting in more effective aileron control during the stall.
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4. What weather report can you use to find forecasted altitudes for cloud tops?
The Graphical Area Forecast gives you forecasted cloud tops.
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5. Vso is the _________.
Vso is the published stalling speed in a landing configuration at maximum gross weight.
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