5 questions would be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the cadet pilot interview. Enjoy!
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1. You’re flying a DA-40 when you start experiencing moderate turbulence. What’s the maximum speed you should you maintain?
In very turbulent air, you should slow down to maneuvering speed. Va guarantees that your aircraft will stall before structural damage occurs.
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2. What weather report can you use to find forecasted altitudes for cloud tops?
The Graphical Area Forecast gives you forecasted cloud tops.
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3. In an aircraft with an aft center of gravity (CG), the nose will more easily pitch ___ than an aircraft in a forward CG configuration.
When an aircraft is configured with an aft CG, the nose will pitch upward more easily, because less tail-down force is required.
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4. Aileron spades are used to:
They lighten control loads, making it easier to bank left or right.
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5. Lowering flaps increases _____.
Lowering flaps increases camber, lift and drag.
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