3 out of 5 questions are required to pass! Good luck!
1 / 5
1. How many airports are in Taipei? 台北有多少個機場?
There are 2 Taipei airports, with 1 serving most of the international arrivals while the other is primarily for domestic travel around Taiwan.
台北有 2 個機場,其中 1 個機場服務於大部分國際旅客,而另一個機場則主要用於台灣周邊的國內旅行。
2 / 5
2. How many Airlines are based in Taipei? 以台北為基地的有多少家航空公司?
3 / 5
3. How many runways does Taoyuan airport have?桃園機場有幾條跑道?
兩條跑道: 機場有兩條跑道; 6/24(3,350 米)和 5/23(3,660 米)。
4 / 5
4. What aircraft type is this?
B747 has 4 engines and upper deck
The A380 also has 4 engines but the cockpit is on the lower level
B787 A320 A330 only has 2 engines
B747有4個引擎和upper deck
A380也有4個引擎但cockpit 位置在下層
A320 A330只有2個引擎
5 / 5
5. What aircraft type is this?
4 engines with 4 trust lever
Boeing aircraft operate with yoke
while Airbus with side-sticks
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